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TWR | 17:28 Sat 08th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Do you watch this program every morning? Have you ever taken their advice?


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Not every morning, twr, but, a few weeks ago they mentioned the Supermarkets claiming that "Value packets" of certain things were better. A 14-bar (Two finger) "Value packet" of Kit-Kats was on sale locally for £2.69. Above those were the 8-bar (Two finger) packets with a "2 for £2.50" offer on them. So, 14 for £2.69 or 16 for £2.50.....

I bought two of the plain chocolate ones and one each of the Mint and Orange ones.
I saw that one about the "value packs" but I've always checked the packaging and prices before buying into so called "special offers" same with bogof's only buy them if they are something I use regularly or something I can use now and freeze for later. You have to be careful these days when it comes to spending

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