Which Man For Xmas? in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Which Man For Xmas?

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yellownana | 19:02 Sun 09th Dec 2012 | Family & Relationships
10 Answers
My mum has met a nice man who treats her right. She has been seeing him for 6 months.

She has a 15 year old son who's dad comes and stays with my mum at the weekend, so that he can see his son.

She hasn't been with her sons dad for 8 years, but they have been good friends for their son the whole time.

The thing is, her sons dad has been buying things for Xmas and for the grand children etc.

The new man wants to spend Xmas day with her and my mum wants to spend it with him, but she doesn't want the sons dad pushed out.

It obviously not ideal to have them both together.

My mum has been on her own for years and she's finally happy. If she doesn't have her new partner over for Xmas, then it's not going t be good on the relationship and this is her future. But at the same time, she can't push my brothers dad out. What would u do????
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I think if it were me, I'd ask your brother's dad for Christmas lunch, and then see the new man in the evening.
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I have said the same. The thing is tho, so as not to rock the boat, my mum hasn't mentioned them to each other. It's a bit of a pickle she knows and she wishes she'd said something sooner.
why doesn't your mum go to the b/f and leave her son and his dad together?
or alternatively, xmas is only one day - see the bf on boxing day
ps the BF must know the son has a dad!
at 15 the son probably won't get up until about 1pm and then he'll be on the xbox all day, send him to his dad's, tell her to have a romantic christmas morning, champagne and bacon butties for breakfast and a late dinner with lots of music and chocolate and baileys.
Is it really not ideal for them all to be grown up and spend the day together? We always did. My OH is dead but his first wife and I have been on the phone tonight organising our kids and grandkids Cristmas get together. It can work if you want it to. x
Oh! To have a choice!
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Thanks for the answers. My mums new boyfriend knows that my brother has a dad lol. But he doesn't know he stays over at weekends to see him.

I have told her the same. To enjoy herself now, but she doesn't want to hurt anyone
Am just curious as to why the boys dad has to stay with your mum to see his son? Why doesnt the son go to stay with the dad?
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He currently lives with his mum, so it's not always ideal to see him any other way.

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