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why are men so stupid????

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littlemissx | 09:31 Fri 23rd Dec 2005 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
not all i admit but i thought i recognised some guy last night (after a few drinks) so went over to chat starting "hi james, how are you?" he carried on chatting to me and then ten mins later.... said by the way... i'm not james


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Maybe he wasn't being stupid, maybe he just liked you and thought it was a good way to get talking to you? lol
mycatis is right, he sounds quite smart to me! Also polite - he could have left you forever thinking he was James, but chose to make sure the misunderstanding was cleared up. There are plenty worse men than that around.
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but he had a whole conversation saying he was well and his brothers were good etc!!!!

whose brothers, his or James's?!

Whatever, it still sounds as if he grabbed the chance of chatting to an attractive woman!

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well i was talking about james' brothers.... god knows who he was talking about
So, you made an error, he didn't correct it, but he's the stupid one..? Rather unusual use of logic there! ;-)
I think you missed your chance there littlemiss.
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ah yeah... i know it was my mistake but he made me look even more sill by having the conversation with me.

maybe i should have tok the chance.... he could have been my potential future husband ;o)

perhaps he was james - but wanted to get rid of you?

just kidding! ;o)

What would have been the smart thing to do?
wake up!! This guy has a **** and u have a pussy so why not use it and **** real hard until you *** real good. It is the funnest thing ever, especially when she squirts heaps

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why are men so stupid????

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