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mrs_overall | 15:48 Thu 13th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
I hope everyone is well. Had a bit of a turbulent fortnight but I have a spare hour to myself so here I am with a cuppa hoping to catch up on the gossip


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Ta ra a bit minty.
He kept goats in the Scot’s town of Effin-Hell
A sage Effin-Hell goat keeper was tony
When one day this Effin-Hell goat keeper
Got kicked by an Effen-Hell goat in his balls and knees
Now the Effen-Hell goat keeper ran for “wee” Effin-Hell Minty
For the big Effin-Hell “chemist “ she ran
For there’s naebody can sort out goat-nobbed balls and knees
Like a Effin-Hell wifey, yes minty, yes she.
Now the big Effin goat keeper was fit as a fiddle
And Tony ran outta Minty's, doon the main Effin-Hell street
In his hand was his big Effen "baton"
He had his big Effin-Hell boots on his feet
and not much else above his knees.
Now the big Effen polis caught the big Effen-Hell goat keeper
Down the river bank, really quite steeper,
And they twisted the Effin Hell goat keeper's "things"
But the big Effin-Hell keeper's goat it’s ain back
‘Cos this big Effin-Hell keeper swung his fists and twae stings
Now they’re both in the Effin-Hell museum
Where the Effin-Hell folk oft come tae see
The remains of the big Effen polis
and the goat keeper's balls dangling there; surprisingly three.

(adapted for ummmm and fgt's reference)
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I should never have said " I have a spare hour to myself". I had barely typed the words when the doorbell rang.

Gness, I am wondering how you will know tony on Saturday. Will it be the faint aroma of goat that will identify him? Will it be his copy of the Sunday Sport tucked under his arm?
His cloven hooves?
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Maybe it will be his clothes - ratty trackie bottoms and a wife beater vest
Oi pack it in you pair. anyway mrs o, i'm not that well dressed ! lol.
I like the poem DT sort of.
His 501s and safety boots
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tony, I know it's not January yet...but will you be having a bath?
Safety boots lol, mmmm might need those.
Going down the drive through car wash mrs o, with the roof down of course.
He'll start filling the copper-bath by the fire tomorrow morning, using his blackened kettle....
Copper bath DT, I would have weighed that in for scrap by now !.
I just posted a question for you. Maybe get some tips if mobiles fail.
for who, sibs? And where?
Hi Mrs O - great to see you back again, I haven't posted much as my computer had a major wobbly since Sunday and caused me much frustration!! I'm pleased to say it's sorted out now and hope it behaves itself! x

Hi Gness - sorry I did say a few weeks ago I would love to meet up on Saturday but sadly I am so busy I can't this time, but sometime in the future if there is another meet in the Midlands (East preferably as quite a lot of ABers round here) I would really love that, especially if its better weather. Went to Leicester Christmas shopping all day today and early this morning the freezing fog was really dense, long delays on the motorway and quite scary the way some drivers drive in those conditions - I don't drive as I'm a nervous wreck!
DT loved you effin poem !!!!..Tone note beni !!!lol xx

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