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What To Call ...

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sherrardk | 23:28 Thu 13th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
My (step) dad might call in on Saturday (he was on his way for a surprise visit last Saturday but his car broke down - good job, as the house was a tip in preparation for moving toys to fit the Christmas tree in). Anyway, he is bringing his friend/girlfriend. How do I introduce her to my children - I have no problem with it but don't want to have lots of questions from them that might embarrass them both. She is his next-door but one neighbour who I knew when I lived at home but, at 18, wasn't particularly interested in. To make matters worse, thing 1 has started going on about my mother (asking what her name was, telling anyone that will listen that she was very poorly and died, etc). Any ideas? (Apart from a school run mum who comes round, no one else visits so it will be unusual for them.).


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Introduce her by her name, but if the kids ask for specifics say she is family. That way you don't need to go into the ins and outs but it makes her feel more welcome.
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Thanks Karen, they have such a vague idea of family that that should work (they probably won't bat an eye lid, think this is my issue).
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I think it was mamyalynne who was saying the other day that those who have loved most are often the ones who most readily find love again. Just be happy for them; it's their lives they must live.
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Hi Methyl, I think we have our wires crossed. Thing 1 is asking questions about my mam, she is four years old so is a bit confused about people when people die.
Why don't you let him introduce her to your children ?

Problem solved.
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total shame on you meythl! before you just throw your

you are a very insensitive person methyl.i presume you get your kicks by "adding insult to injury" in awkward situations. if thats your "thing" ??

Maybe methyl doesn't know that Thing 1 and Thing 2 are Sherrard's affectionate names for her 4 year old twins in honour of the Dr Seuss characters. I don't think there has been any malice or insensitivity intended, just a bit of confusion.
what's happened in bunkmoreland's post?
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I wondered the same.
Sher, there's an AB'er who is with another person (after their loved one died), she was introduced as grandad's friend, I believe the youngest grandchild is 3 years old and they (all grandchildren) don't bat an eye-lid.
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I'm just stressing I think - sure it will be fine.

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