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Odd Ed

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dotty. | 22:55 Tue 18th Dec 2012 | Editor's Blog
14 Answers
in my profile the citations for the badges does not show up yet other people can see them, and I can see other people's citations under their badge tab but not my own. it may be because i am using firefox or it may be because i don't see any adverts. just a vague notion, maybe unworthy of being added to your snagging list.


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are you on a phone, dotty? It does seem very odd.
Question Author
no it's too late to ring anyone now, someone else asked that. do you mean have a got the internet on one of them there smart phone type things? no i use the laptop.
Yes yes LOL, I thought perhaps you were on a jazzy mobile phone - sometimes (I hear) the display is different there.
Question Author
i can see everyone elses's full badge statistics it's strange.
Still confused about badges after it supposedly being fixed last weekend.
I can't work out why I've got a 10+ years badge. Even counting my previous membership I'm still a few short!
Cos it feels like a decade, Chill, that's why we all have them.
I am using Firefox with Adblock Plus (sorry, Ed) and I can see my badges, your badges and everyone's badges
Question Author
FYI this is what i see:

The member has taken part in a number of long threads in a debate topic (such as News, Society & Culture or Relgion & Spirituality)
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:36

Quick Draw
This member has gained a best answer which was also the first answer on the thread.
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:30

Head Badger
50+ posts in Editor's blog
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:32

Family Tree Surgeon
10+ best answers in Genealogy
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:52

30+ answers in Adverts
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:42

20+ answers in Business & finance
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:34

Planting a Family Tree
20+ questions in Genealogy
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:34

Long Service
5+ years membership
Won at 2012-12-17 08:21:21

Lifetime Service Award
10+ years membership
Won at 2012-12-15 04:23:12

Slade's Beard
2+ posts in Christmas outside of December
Won at 2012-12-16 23:37:30

1 Year Service
Won at 2012-12-17 08:23:50

2 Years Service
Won at 2012-12-17 08:24:24

3 Years Service
Won at 2012-12-17 08:25:03

I am using Firefox with Adblock Plus sorry Ed and I can see my badges, your badges and everyone's badges

Same here.
It is odd. My at-a-glance profile says I have 3 best answers, yet there is nothing when I click in the 'Best'tab!
Maybe it works in a similar way to the Honours system i.e. no idea how or why for many!
I'm the same as dotty - can't see all the detail of my own badges, though I can see everyone else's.
But why does it matter so? The world is ending in a couple of days....
ahh, the voice of optimism.
Does it matter anyway?

It's a load of badges that make no sense and are about as much use as a chocolate teapot

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Odd Ed

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