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The Official Good Morning Ab'ers Thread

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Slapshot | 06:42 Wed 19th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Morning all, been a long night, looks like another dreech day across the whole country enjoy what you can!!


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Take care sweetcheeks xx

grrr had to reboot this thing.

Dicky, that's awful :-(

Morning jj xx and Dee xx
Hope you're well.
Morning all.
Morning Naomi xx
I posted this yesterday :-)
You inspired me.
Haaa! That'll come in useful. I'll keep it to hand. :o)
Good morning all.
Morning all looks dampish out but not too cold.Have to go back Asda today to pick up a book I thought I had picked up. Grrrrrrrrrrr Have a nice day all .
Morning Tone xx and Wendi xx
What is it with Asda, that people forget to collect their purchases?
Dee with loo roll, Wendi and her book, alba spending 30 quid on going to buy milk and forgot to buy it.
Morning to all

Is there a dawn this morning - it's pitch black out there?

Black as the coffee that I am going to look for.

Out of here early this morning for my Christmas wines, one eye on the radio as to inclemental weather.
Hi Alba I had already picked up the book of amazing facts and had a look at it then went to phone my daughter to see if she had already bought it but as there is not a good signal in Asda I had to go nearer the door to ring her then I met in with someone for a chat and you know the rest.xx
Morning DT xx
Be careful out there, heavy rain forecast :-(
lol Wendi, only too well :-)
Good morning all.

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