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Will The Ed Lead Us Through The End Of Days Tomorrow!!

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netibiza | 17:55 Thu 20th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Will we follow like lambs??


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You're kidding?

He's already in his bunker!
No offence, Ed, but no ruddy way am I following any bugger.

'tis my cognac, I worked for the money to pay for it and I shall stay here to empty the bottle ;)
do we know what time, as i have a train to catch...
Question Author
apparently it's tea time but when is that, we do not have teatime in Ibiza!
never mind will be well away by then...
Follow us like lambs, no I am eating Sunday Lunch and Rosemary......
Fear not netti, park up on the apotheosis thread tomorrow

pbuh Ab Editor it's AB's own Bugarach, it'll be fine

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Will The Ed Lead Us Through The End Of Days Tomorrow!!

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