Cryptic European Cities Or Towns in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Cryptic European Cities Or Towns

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thecowman | 21:57 Thu 20th Dec 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
What is common to both Bristol and London and also may be found in mainland Europe?
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A railway station with Temple in the name?
Could it be the letter 'o' or is that too obvious?
Cathedral? or University?
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Thanks for the answers so far. The answer will be the name of a town or city eg. Another question was; Head east across the Adriatic where Sean Connery sounds like he could pick up a cheap car - Answer: SHKODRA.
The exact wording of the question is: This ones not in Bristol or London
St Pauls is an area in Bristol and a landmark in London
(To be more precise, it's St Pauls in Bristol and St Paul's in London.)
There's a St Paul's in Malta too, but that's not mainland Europe
The quiz doesn't say mainland - just Europe, so St Pauls might be right
There's a St Pauli in Hamburg

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Cryptic European Cities Or Towns

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