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Why Are Grown Men Still Playing Video Games Away From Their Families?

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dave50 | 12:27 Thu 20th Dec 2012 | Gaming
29 Answers
I know quite a few supposedly mature men who regularly lock themselves away with their headphones on in another world, playing these games for hours by themselves, even though they have a wife/partner and children who are normally in another room watching TV. Isn't this rather selfish and immature and don't these men need to grow up?


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Mrs O. you are right! I play a computer game (World of Tanks) and I have a small willy!!

My good lady Carakeel also plays a computer game (World of Warcraft)

I really dont see why anybody should not play any game, isnt football, rugby, pool, snooker etc just games that adults play.

Get a life Dave.
Ratter, I am delighted to hear you have a small willy simply because it proves I am right.
(BTW pass my condolences on to Mrs Ratter)
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Grow up triggs!
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I'm with dave here, grown men should not play video games.

My views have nothing at all to do with 9 year olds kicking my arse either.....NOTHING I TELL YOU!
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Grow up!


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