Today's Telegraph Quick Crossword 27,055 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Today's Telegraph Quick Crossword 27,055

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tabbycat09 | 08:06 Fri 21st Dec 2012 | Crosswords
12 Answers
Please can anyone help

2 down

Deferring of payment

8 letters R???O???

thanks in anticipation
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I'd expect it to end in ING but that means ending in OING. I'll have a think but are you sure of the O. Or could be FORGOING so the R is wrong
rollover ?
I'm stuck on same clue. The r must be right as Ankara citizen is Turk, please help us.
Well done bibblebub, knew you wouldn't let us down.
rollover will be right
I think the clue should have said DEFERMENT of payment
it's only right if it fits with the other intersecting letters
Is this Rationed? I have the same question. I have R*T*O*E*. Only problem is that I don't think it actually fits the clue - but I can't come up with anything better.
I am stuck on the same one. I have R*T*O*E* with Gothicism as the answer to "French expression" (and that provides the "T" - but if that clue is wrong and an "o" can be substituted then Rollover would fit! Hope that's clear! I wondered about "Rationed" but it doesn't really fit the clue
10a is 'Gallicism' which gives you an 'L# for 3rd letter of 2d. Rollover is right.

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Today's Telegraph Quick Crossword 27,055

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