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In Case It's Early.

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TWR | 11:24 Fri 21st Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
It's been good knowing you all & thanks for the memories, I might see you on the other side. RIP "The AnswerBank".


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Ah, but will you be "upstairs" or "downstairs"?
Get me a pint in will ya TWR, and I'll see you on the other side lol.
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What ever door is opened first Mrs O.
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No probs Tony, do you want a Brandy to with it?
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I hope it's not early, I will miss DT's next carol :0(
Oh yeah TWR a chaser would go down very well thanks.
Solstice soon... better go drink something to celebrate...
Question Author
Nice knowing you Mick, I'll save you a chair.
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I must be loosing my marbles Tony, I might even bye M.T. a pint & a chaser.
Put it down to the time of year TWR.
Chasers are for alkies, get me 2 pints.
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Don't be ungrateful Mick.
Ooooh sorry, TWR. You're right.

I will buy you a Lamborghini for being so ungrateful.

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They all call you & say your tight! I think they are wrong. lol
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Someone telling porkies? I'm still here.

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In Case It's Early.

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