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Good Morning Ab'ers

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NoMercy | 06:25 Sun 23rd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
106 Answers
Just 2 sleeps to go now, hope you're all prepped and now able to relax and enjoy the festivities. xx


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Hope Nibble gets back safe and sound x

Morning to all who have arrived since I re-attacked my dongle xxxxxxx
will dedicate todays candle to him everything crossed for you...xx
Morning all, not a bad day at all here, just got back with the hounds, so it's coffee, xwords and more coffee for a while ;o)
Morning Baldric
Morning DT, hope all is well,
despite just having had 2 hours fresh air, I have a similar feeling to Zacs at the moment, gonna have to try the Bacon sarnie cure I think.
morning all, we're still flooded & it aint draining. Bet the bluddy airport development is the cause !

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