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Ny's Resolutions

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NoMercy | 23:51 Sun 23rd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
What resolutions will you be making in the forthcoming New Year?


1. Spend less.

2. More country walks with stinkwart.

3. Take life less seriously.

4. Cook more new dishes.

5. Err... I fancy learning German ...


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Hellloooooooooooo G
NoM BT has an office in Paris, and the men I worked with used to wait until the office closed so they could listen to the answerphone message recorded by one of the French girls............they used to salivate.
A beautiful, huge bird of prey found in Scotland, NoM.

You well Shoota? How's your son....any news? ('scuse NoM)
I shall be making a resolution not to make any resolutions - given that I normally manage to break every single one within 24 hours.
Walk more and eat less sweets.
Boy's are well, ta, No 2 is still waiting for start date but bosses ma has passed which has caused much extra turmoil so Tom hasn't phoned yet. He will now wait til new year. I meanwhile am tearing my hair out....
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You've got THE best avatar, BM :)

I can understand that, Craft. Lol
-- answer removed --
Ta. Rather demonstrative, n'est pa?!! lol ;)
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Damn good resolution, GM.
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Indeedy, BM. :)
Because? Shoota.
I want the arrangements to be finalised so I can plan when we need to deliver him and all the necessary gear.
Got to get him a vehicle, insurance, household goods etc, etc...
1. Eat more Chocolate.
2. Drink more Wine.
3. Take less Exercise.
4. Do less Housework.
5. Spend more time on AB.
Question Author
I like your way of thinking, Lady-B.
It's realistic NoM:-)
Mine is not to make one. I think they are pointless and I never stick to them.
Clear our loft out!!! ...... but all the junk up there, cardboard boxes etc is keeping us well insulated - free loft insulation :)

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