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Good Morning Early Birds

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berniecuddles | 05:44 Mon 24th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
May i wish you all a merry xmas and a prosperous new year best wishes to all xxx Media URL:


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Morning, bernie6969. I'm hoping you still don't think I'm also desktop. I'm just wondering whether to go for a run while it's dry.
08:34 Mon 24th Dec 2012
Morning all. It's still raining here.

Never mind .... happy Christmas everyone. x
Morning naomi xxx And to you dear girl xxxxx :o}
Morning Naomi xx
Did you ever find your phone?
Seasonal greetings to you and yours too xx
morning all - toothache I dont need :(
Thanks WBM. :o)
Morning Tambo xx
Morning Alba. Thank you. And to you and yours.

No, I didn't find the phone. I'm pretty sure now that I threw it in the dustbin. Stoopid! :o)
Morning tam xxx Needs seeing to soonest! :o{
The phone wasn't that bad was it? :o}
lol MT - so sad!

Morning naomi, paddy, NOX, NoM, fred, and factor....
Naomi, when I can't find me purse, we check the fridge then the bread-bin.
Don't ask :-D
and you too, tambo
Morning DT. :o)

Alba, I don't need to ask. I know exactly what you mean. :o/
Been there albs! :o}
good morning all from a dark but dry so far Edinburgh..just out of shower to cemetary with wreath for gran and pop's grave..then a quick run round for fresh bread milk etc...up to mum's for a still home..everything still crossed...then early to bed to await Santa !!! I am SOOOO excited....
Morning Minty xx
Wishing you and yours all the very best xx
your carol is tomorrow, minty....
Hi Albs thank you xxx...just had a back read..can't wait for DT's carols today !!!!..may have to wait 'till I get back later....
ooo DT one just for me ????....I am sooo honoured....I will be sure to be dressed for the occasion ! xx
morning all, at last I have caught up on my sleep, I hope DT has also.
Sad news about the little girl I am not very religious but do believe in the power of prayer.
Merry xmas everyone, B-I-Law is working on Boxing Day and has to get to Marble Arch so if the tube strike stays I have offered to get up early and drive him there should only take about 35 mins early morning.

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