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Will Anybody Swap?

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Iluvspikey | 21:17 Mon 24th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
You can have all the orange and strawberry cremes in the tins of Roses and Quality St, for toffee/caramel ones


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Nope, the purple one for me
No way, sorry x
I like the green triangle.
You're on!
Me'n Chris are gonna pig out on cremey ones then.

You lot can go suck our toffees.....

They're the best ones!
I take it the diets going well ;-)
toffee pennies....mmmm x
don't like caramels, they extract my teeth, but cremes are good for me
>>>You lot can go suck our toffees.....

I hope that's not a euphemism!
I'd be happy but would keep the hard toffee.
Bog off.
I would swap the caramels and toffee for the orange ones anyday but dislike strawberry ones (although I love strawberries)!!
Would love to. Unfortunately not allowed to eat anything like that.
I've even had to ask people not to buy me my favourites this year, chocolate brazils. Sob...sob.
I've got three quarters of a jar of toffee and caramels which none of us dare eat because of various dental mishaps in the past. I'll keep them for you. I love thestrawberry creams.
New or used?

Whatever. I've got a big jar of Cadbury's Chocolate Eclairs set aside for the Oh-I-Couldn't-Possibly-Eat-Any-More Hour.

Key's under the mat. Help yourself.
Definitely. I never have liked the orange and strawberry creams...I love caramel and toffee..mmm

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