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All I Want For Christmas..

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NoMercy | 00:01 Wed 26th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
If you want could have a totally unrealistic gift...what would it be??

I'd have Michael Bublé all wrapped up. )


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A marriage proposal from Dave Grohl and for him to serenade me to sleep every night :)
What's the time NoM please?
Hiya nm,

Obvious - but boring, the winning lottery No's for next week !
A flat, north facing garden.
He would be the last person i would wish for!
Id rather have Ronan Keating any day!
Daniel Craig, thin thighs and a clean kitchen.
my father back (god rest his soul)
Daniel Craig has thin thighs and a clean kitchen?
I'd have my little Tigger back.
good health for dad.
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I wish I could have my Nan back. Christmas just wasn't the same without her.

We used to love getting her drunk and watching her nose turn red.

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All I Want For Christmas..

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