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cupid04 | 15:57 Thu 27th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
tony av. I'm missing his chatter and saucy innuendo?


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He's going to be a shivering wreck with withdrawal symptoms if it is after Jan 01....
The longest I've been was about 9 days without AB. My fingers are just starting to grow back.
Surely you, of all people, weren't suspended for 9 days, alba?
lol, no, not suspended. dongle ran out (it's rather rude at times)
(just teasing as the remark merited the question!)
If he is a good boy I may let him out in the new year......
I really should learn to read before I hit the submit button :-D
Put that kindle down, Murray
Someone asked me: "How many books can you fit on it, that Kindle thing of yours?"

I replied, "Over a thousand, but it tends to start getting heavy after a couple hundred."

Their response..."Oh."
sibs.. I just can't help myself....need to find a self help group soon ! lol xxx
Tony sends his love Cupid.......can't get a man til 2nd Jan......know how he feels.
Sends his best wishes to all but his language is becoming quite ripe so withdrawal symptoms he must have. Or Minty's not feeding him. x
Holed up with slapper somewhere, lucky bugger.
I am attending to his needs..... lol xx
tony - hussing and cussing - no way......
Owd...tony says you're just jealous.

Minty...he would like some more ale and a back rub with your special oil.

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