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Thames Fireworks

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Ann | 02:57 Tue 01st Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
In case you have only just got in and missed them, here is the BBC1 coverage.


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One thing I would love to see (and I'm sure it COULD be done) is the year 2013 lighting up in figures across the sky above Big Ben to end the display - that really would be spectacular. I personally think the music soundtrack spoils it but maybe its just the choice of music which is not to my taste, it also sounds very disjointed. Great display though.
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Better or worse than last year? Do you think the expense is justified in this economic climate?
Wow! Thanks Ann. Spectacular! Can't remember last year. I agree about the music though.

Yes, I do think the expense is justified. It clearly gives a lot of people a lot of pleasure - and engendering happiness and social cohesion can only be a good thing.
I love fireworks. They lift the spirit and we need some of that.
I was also pleased the Beeb showed us a bit of other cities, especially the Hong Kong ones as my daughter was no doubt in that crowd somewhere.
A wonderful display - I don't care for the music either - and I wish the vid could have shown it all from one vantage point, not hopping about. My neighbours were there, it'll be good to hear their perspective later.
Absolutely justified. That was spectacular and look at the crowds.

The British humour is always prevalent... 'Mind the gap' Classic...
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I think any expense is justified for a situation which brings everyone together in harmony, peace and goodwill. I would love to see the New Year fireworks live instead of seeing them on TV, I bet the atmosphere is brilliant!
Truly spectacular and very uplifting. Totally justified re the cost, we'd be in a pretty sorry state if we couldn't celebrate as a nation in this way. As ummmm says look at the crowds who make the effort to attend and also loved 'mind the gap'. I think the music was right, needs to bring young people in to maintain the tradition.
Excellent display. I do like the sound of Big Ben at midnight :-)

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