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rockyracoon | 09:08 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers
Back on Monday, thank you God! But will probably be the last ever series :(

Do you reckon it mght come back as 'Hathaway'? Let's hope so.


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Despite thoroughly enjoying Morse I've never actually watched Lewis. Maybe because it just wouldn't be the same without seeing Thaw alongside Whately.
Might give it a try though.
& Lewis & Laura Hobson finally get together!
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Chill, I felt a bit like that when Lewis first came out, now I much prefer it. Give it a go.

Ros, that would be a nice ending wouldn't it, I hope they don't kill him off.
And isn't the music just wonderful?
Will do rocky.
And following on from what gness said is the music still composed by Barrington Pheloung?
If so I must give it a go.
Yes it is Chill....worth it for the music alone.
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I love the music as well, I'm really sad there'll be no more, boo :)
Thanks gness, I'll now make a concerted effort!
I have the Morse music on CD. No-on took the hint about Lewis for Christmas so must buy myself. Music, wine and daydreaming about Hathaway.....mmmmmm.
They've decided to split the 2-hour episodes into 2 parts as well - the 2 hour format has always worked well, so why change it?
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It's only on for an hour??, What The Funicular, that's ruined it or me now :(
I'm pleased it's back but was really annoyed to see they've split it up .
There's a good article in the RT this week by Alison Graham about them showing it in two episodes instead of the usual two hour format .
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For Funks Sake, they're showing the two episodes a week apart as well, I'd have forgotten what it was about by then. Why couldn't they leave be, numpties!
It wouldn't have been quite so bad if they had shown it on two consecutive nights .
I don't know why they have to muck about with the programmes like this .
So annoying .I hope they don't do this with Foyle when it returns .
Love Lewis and am sad to see it go. Rocky its ending because Laurence Fox quit. So chances of Hathaway seem dim in the immediate future.

Chill, its brilliant in that languid laid back style but it doesn't step on Morses toes at all
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Oh, I thought it was because Kevin Whately considered himself too old to play the part any longer. Bugger, no more Hathaway then!

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