Sorry, I've been stringing you along a little bit. I was a student there but it was at Keele University for three years in the late 70s so I knew the area pretty well. I still have friends in the area and usually go to Longton or Newcastle Under Lyme once a year - in fact I'm going next Saturday/Sunday.
Hi Tilly and stokemaveric.
Yes, Longton has changed a lot and the locals are more likely to say "Herro, how iz yous, innit" than "Hey up duck! 'Ow at, youth?", but I'm going because the people I'm visiting live there- and at least there is a decent pub nearby with some interesting characters.
You need a copy of 'Arfur Tawkraight, factor. I do envy you going to my home town. I actually went to Longton High School, which, sadly, has just closed down.
Phoenix rising. Ad Lucem.