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gsces 2006

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forestertwo | 11:16 Sat 31st Dec 2005 | Parenting
5 Answers
Can anyone tell me if all year 11 GSCEs will be over by 4th July? Thanks.


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My daughters GCSE's were over by the end of June 2005. However, it does depend on the examining board and you may not be able to find out just yet, the school may have more information.
Once gcse are taken and finished the kids here in manchester can leave school officially.its in june sometime, cant remember the exact date.
When I did my GCSE's, lots of my friends had finished by the end of June, but because of my subjects, mine dragged on til into July - though as stanleyman says, it also depends on the examing boards!

the majority of pupils will finish their gcse's in june but it all depends what subjects are being taken. i finished school in 2002 and because of some of the subjects i had taken. i was still doing exams when some of my friends had finished. but eveyone finishes within a few weeks of each other will tell you when you have your exams. i'm also doing mine this year and mine finish on 16 june!

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