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Taking Food to The USA

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rosiew | 08:10 Fri 07th Dec 2012 | Travel
26 Answers
I know it may seem a little odd, my brother is going to the US at the end of December to stay with friends, they have asked him to take some packaged meat with him that they cannot get over there. Is this allowed. Thanks in advance


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Don't risk it. I've just come back from the USA and there were sniffer dogs going in and out. I've been pulled over because I'd had but eaten an apple in my bag.
Definitely No
USA is big country and have different types of meal. Don't worry for meal in USA.
in my opinion they have plenty of food over there - no need to take your own!
Rosiew......I have crossed the American border many times. Don't do anything to annoy them! They have no sense of humour either...that was what led to my arrest on one occasion. :-(

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Taking Food to The USA

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