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Ear Plugs...that Work.??

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ibizaboy | 14:38 Sun 23rd Dec 2012 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
can anyone recommend some ear plugs that can virtually silence snoring.? ive tried swimmers,flight and basic ear plugs with no joy as they,re not made to block out noise. thanks. ian


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Lord knows notafish, H&S is not something I get overly concerned about in the house.
I use wax ones from Asda and find them comfy & they mean I can sleep through stentorian snoring from other half
I just wondered about it,because Ummmm said look at the Health and Safety site. What did you mean, Ummmm?
I think she meant that her OH worked in a noisy environment so the earplugs they use would be heavy duty industrial ones.
Oh right. Thanks

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Ear Plugs...that Work.??

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