Just 3 Minutes Of Exercise A Week Is All You Need in The AnswerBank: News
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Just 3 Minutes Of Exercise A Week Is All You Need

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pdq1 | 16:27 Fri 04th Jan 2013 | News
16 Answers

Can it be really true? There will be no need for couch potatoes not to join in. We could be the fittest nation on earth.
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what, every week?
High intensity training is not a new concept.
3 minutes a week eh, so thats sex once weekly then :-))
By the way, it works out to much more than 3 minutes a week, the 3 minutes refers to the high intensity portion of the workout, there are active rest periods in-between each intense burst.
The Dail Wail Hacks can't even understand their own article:

the 'regime' is 'at least' 21 mins a week not 3 according to the copy in the panel

Of course the key thing is the intensity. Which requires a warm-up. Which also has to be added to the total. So as Zeuhl points out it comes to a lot more than 3 minutes if you tot up the figures quoted. While it's certainly going to help people who are genuinely pushed for time (tho how pushed for time would you have to be?) I suspect that that intensity level is going to deter those lazy enough to find the brevity of its duration attractive :-)
Even if it is 21 minutes, I'd like to know what exactly the evidence behind this is. I'm very, very skeptical :/.
hardly worth getting out of bed..
So am I wasting my time going for a run 3 times a week, when I could be watching jK?
Kromovaracun, if you Google the term "High Intensity Interval Training" you will be able to read the evidence for yourself. I could link to many articles for you to read but there are far too many to choose from.
tenrec that would certainly waste minutes of your life, he is a waste of air.
'High intensity interval training' is best for athletes to improve their anaerobic fitness. It isn't really advisable for people who aren't already at a basic level if fitness but the general principle, that the harder the exercise the less you have to do of it, is basically sound.
Yeah, that is what me and my wife do three times and week and we are over 120 years old.

Just kidding.
? Media URL: http://www.iflowers.com/rosesandsunflowers.htm
sorry, wrong thread
Insufficient information to draw any significant conclusions as yet. People do tend to be over-ambitious with plans and targets, when the reality is that what we should all be doing is to cut back on grazing and snacking, eat smaller portions, eat more vegetables and less red /processed meat,and eat more fish and pulses, and move more.

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Just 3 Minutes Of Exercise A Week Is All You Need

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