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queenofmean | 21:07 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers be worried.

For those who have been following my on going saga of laser treatment - all being well final shot is on Monday, but i'm not worried i'm too hype up so bring on Monday!


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Well done qom, soon be done and dusted and out of the way.
that's the spirit, lovely queen
go in there with your head held high and get it over with

best of luck ... i'll be thinking of you XX
great new qom
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I should hope so, I can't wait to get it out the way so I can get back on track with my driving lessons - gutted to be kept away from it as I was doing really well
That's good news, I'm glad you're positive about it xx
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I probably won't be saying that on Monday but once its done its DONE!! I'll let you know how it went afterwards :) x
Will be thinking of you qom. Good luck.
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Thank you Parkdale :) x
good luck with this...............
Laser for what? Eyes? Tattoo removal? Kidney stones?
Eyes, ChillDoubt.
Thanks tonyav.
Doesn't appeal to me in the slightest but best of luck with it, queenofmean.
good luck.hope it does the trick..
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thanks guys

Chilldoubt - this isn't to correct my vision or anything its to stop blood vessels forming in the back of my eyes and bursting with me losing my sight. I didn't choose to go through this but it has been sore but it has been worth it though

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