I'm hopeful it will help me, didn't realise how much stuff I ate I won't be allowed to eat!
I love peas and sweetcorn, both of them are out.
I was having porridge every morning at work and have been having the Belvita biscuits and bananas as snacks, muesli as a breakfast treat on the weekends. All out!
I found I had a problem with wholemeal bread a while back so had stopped that, shame as I love granary bread. I try not to eat too much white bread in loaf form but try to go for things like wraps and pitta breads instead.
They say raw veggies too, even steamed, supposed to be well cooked. No farty veg like beans :) Pasta and rice is meant to be eaten hot only, not cold.
No fruit bits (had been having sultanas in muesli!), in fruit juice etc... Was never a big fan of those anyway, like marmalade but hate the bits haha! Nuts too, I love a lot of nuts :( Weebabix, hobnobs and flapjacks are also out...sob...
Worth a try if it might help you feel better. If you google low fibre/residue diet there is quite a lot of info.
Have you tried buscopan for cramps and have you been tested for anything like lactose intolerance or bacterial overgrowth, even something like bile acid malabsorption is the diarrhoea is really bad?