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Adifferent Job.

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Georgiesmum | 00:41 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
If you could have your time again, what job would you do?


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something that did not involve shift work
I would be in the police, toyed with the idea at 16, didn't for family reasons, but would like to do it now.
Ah if only and not only the job.
A pathologist...
I did think once of becoming a traffic warden but my parents were married.
The Queen. I'd be good at that as I have refected the wave and I like handbags
A chocolatier...............
Could you get something that big between your legs?
lol Craft.
Something to do with geography, or civil engineering, or law.... but for the last 16 years I've done a job I really like, so I'm not complaining.
One where I could work from 10 til 2, 4 days a week.

I am grateful every morning I wake up to know I am retired having worked 43 years without a break.
time traveller

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Adifferent Job.

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