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Interruption To Water Supply

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albaqwerty | 15:06 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Fair dos, Essential work and maintenance must be carried out.
Just had a notification, (well, about 5 mins ago) that the water is off tomorrow between 11am and 7pm.
Great. Not even 24 hours notice.
Wouldn't yesterday have been better to let us know?


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What would you have done differently had you known yesterday Alba ?
Question Author
Not whinged about it on here!! :-)
And possibly have sterilised some containers to store water.
Our local water authority seem to just switch us off and wait until you phone to ask what's going on before telling us that they're doing any work.

It is a pain. Bit like power cuts. You forget how much you use water and electricity (not together hopefully) in a day.
OK nuff said lol x
its might bnot last that long, last time we had one, i don;t think it was off for more than an hour. you still have time to sterilse :-)
Question Author
I'll fill the bath tomorrow for flushing the loo. It's great when a family member has err, well, problems in that area :-D

2sp (pal!) you're right, it's not until you're without that you realise how pleased we should be at having the water, lecky and gas too.

Oh, the helpline number isn't a free-fone number either (another moan!)
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Sterilising would be a dreadful waste of whisky tho Fluff :-)
Nothing worse than going to flush the loo and the cistern is empty...

(OK, I know there are a million things really worse, but you know what I mean.)
ahh well in that case drink all the whisky at 11 am, then you should sleep straight through till 7. job done

i want cake
I have cake..............:-)
I've just had cake.
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choccy eclairs all round

lol 2sp, I know what you mean.
Last time we had a power cut, someone, in this house, who is nameless, suggested we watch the tv :-)
Can't laugh, Alba. I have been known to try to get the sewing machine going during a powercut. Thought that as the telly was off I'd get the hems done on a couple of pairs of trousers.

I'm amazed at my own stupidity sometimes.
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Not stupidity, it's just normal :-D

In the 70's (?) when the 3 day working week, so on and so forth and the power went off, parents sat in canle light and played cards. Older borther came home and switched the light on and ask the question to the parents :-)

I know it says borther, it should say botherer really!
For stupidity the one of the day goes to woman ahead of me in my local shop who asked the "B00" to check her Lottery ticket from the weekend.

"No win, I'm, afraid - do you want the ticket back?"

"Yes please - I'll take it to another shop and see if I have been lucky there."
this recently happened to us and the water company stacked bottled water in the street for anyone to could check if that will happen where you are ...xx
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rofl DT, some peeps!!!

Lottery ticket - not at all stupid, they might need it to do the same numbers again but not have the original request slip.

Or just to ensure the shopkeeper isn't keeping a winning ticket for himself (it has happened).
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Afternoon Alice,
many moons ago, there was a mains burst and the water folk couldn't have been more helpful in delivering water bottles/containers etc as they didn't know how long it was going to be off.
It's only 8 hours, max, we'll survive :-D
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Canary, there's a certain shop in my neck of the woods which has had that same reputation. Folk will put their lottery on there, but will check it elsewhere.

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Interruption To Water Supply

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