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Incredibly Selfish Or Wise Advice?

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Booldawg | 15:47 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Society & Culture
18 Answers
Browsing through FB I came across a shared post with a quote from a site called, which kind of rings alarm bells. Nevertheless lets ponder the quote;

'Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy'

how do you interpret that?


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Incredibly selfish. Its just running away instead of hitting problems head on and trying to find solutions. If OH and I followed that quote we would only have been married a few months, not over 25 years.
wise words, if it doesn't make you happy why do it. If you are in a bad or abusive relationship, why stay?
I think if you live by that rule, then you have to accept that you may become the "thing" that no longer serves, grows or makes someone else happy and that they will walk away from you.

I do think you shouldn't spend your life in situations that are harmful and will never improve, but I do think you should give it a decent go to try and sort problems before just walking away.

So I'm being nice and contradictory there then!

It was written by "Sue Grabbit and Run, Divorce & Family Lawyers"
I would interpret that as to not try and take revenge, move on and be happy.

As it's called women-scorned I presume the relationship has already ended, and not in a nice way.
unlikely ^^
that was for DT
Whats the definition of someone serving you (apart from the obvious)? We get stallions to serve our mares but don't think that's quite what is meant here? ;-)
(just joking, em - S, G&R is the pseudonym that Private Eye for lawyers).
Jane, I would take serving someone as supporting them as financially or emotionally.
Agree with ummmm.
DT i know, have used it myself with friends of like mind.
I think it's probably good advice. 'Walk away' sounds a bit callous, but I don't think it's intended that way. It just means don't remain in a miserable situation when you don't have to - do something about it.
talking about relationships - well, a relationship ought to do at least one of those things. If it doesn't, is there a point in continuing with it?
no ^^
I think if taken as a general maxim, then yes it appears selfish - however that particular site is for woman who have been dealt a bad hand in a to their target audience it makes more sense.

Things taken out of context rarely work.
wonder if there is an equivalent male website.
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yes there is em - plentyoffish ;-)

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