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Will It Be Possible?

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jamesbishop911 | 17:57 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Law
8 Answers
I am giving and posting tips/advice about accounting, i get the source from a some article i have researched. will i am get sue about what i did?


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can you explain further an more clearly what you have done.

are you saying you have set yourself up as accounting advice service - just by googling articles?
...and this: in which the identical question was asked and the site has said the thread has been removed because "the entire OP of this discussion was copyrighted material, from Lasser's site among others"
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Ok, thank you guys. I feel so bad for what i have done. Will not gonna do it again.
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No, im not ,not doing this for services.
james - no you wont get sued for what you have done on here -
but im not sure you understand the way this site works - people ask a question and others answer it ... we do not just generally pick a subject and post random bits of info about it.
I realise that your first language may not be English , but I hope your accounts will have less mistakes than your writing, otherwise you are going to cost someone a lot of money.
Just keep quiet
I tthink you will be OK

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Will It Be Possible?

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