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Are You Warm Indoors?

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Georgiesmum | 16:20 Sat 12th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Now the winter fuel allowance has been paid out, are you all nice and warm indoors?


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just poured myself a glass of sherry, to warm the inside
Sqad, I was reading that the government is going to remove WFA from those expats who live in countries where the temperature doesn't drop very low in the winter. They are just trying to figure out where to set the temperature limit etc. It will probably take them years to do it so you won't have to worry in the near future. lol
two pairs of socks for me, boxtops

(i keep meaning to buy slippers)
A hot water bottle while you're sitting watching the TV will do the trick excelsior.
Socks 'n' crocs are good too, especially on the concrete floor in the kitchen :-)
I won't qualify for WFA for a number of years yet. The heating is on on a timer and I try not to put it on when its off.
i had not thought about that, ladybirder, thanks
i shall think about it I have got about 5 I hope they keep it going for that period of time.
I just munch logs on the fire - but it's not cold enough for that at the moment down here.
Flipping cold here (southern California) and strangely warm on the east coast. Looking forward to getting home for some warmth (til the snow anyway)
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If your house is cold, frequent hot drinks are the answer, hot chocolate, soups etc, help warm your cockles!Nothing worse than feeling cold.
I'm not ready for winter fuel allowance yet, I have a good few years to wait for it! My heating is never on because it gives me a headache. My windows were all open today.I am in my pjs and fluffy slippers and I am perfectly warm and comfy.
I am 8 years off getting wfa but am nice and warm thanks.
People sometimes forget that older folks (the elderly,even) feel the cold more...we often need more heat.
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Yes Pastafreak, ive found that too.
I will be if and when (hopefully) I get the fuel allowance!! At mo I am in a freezing damp bedroom on laptop and I am wearing thick bedsocks too!

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