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He Must Have A Top Missus

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Mick-Talbot | 19:28 Mon 14th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Yes the link is from 2009 ...but he has just got back from his travels.
Would you be happy with your OH buggering off round the world for 14 years?



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no, he would be a stranger, worse if you have children.
Sounds like something dave would do!
I wouldn't mind him going for a few months, but I'd like him to come home from time to time - suggests that all was not well with the relationship that he didn't come home for 14 years...
'His long-suffering wife Judith, has been holding the fort in Yorkshire but has flown out to see him on six occasions since 1999 armed with spare parts for his vintage Honda bike'.

I wonder if they had to be surgically removed?
She might have been glad to get rid of him! ;o)
it is very selfish, though if she was really that put out why didn't she give him the heave ho.
Not with my current OH but it would have been a godsend in the past.
She might not like him very much.
how has she managed financially though with him not conributing? or has she been drawing his pension in his absence? she couls have been claiming benefit i suppose as he's technically deserted her
wonder what his children think?
They could be wealthy, Dot, with lots of savings.
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They looked happy enough on the local news.

He is off next week , only to Portugal but is heading towards Russia , Mongolia, Korea in April.

Michael Palin has been doing this for many years, and remember that he said his wife was quite understanding, but he seemed wistful at having missed much along the way.

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