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giveup | 15:04 Mon 14th Jan 2013 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
I keep hearing that Laurence Fox(Hathaway) is leaving the programme,but have seen nothing about it. Can someone tell me whether it's true and if it is why? Thanks.


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apparently this is his last series as he and his missus (Billie Piper) are moving to America for a year to see if they get work. Kevin Whately has hinted it's his last series as well. Must add that I don't like the way they've split episodes now, used to like the 2 hour show.
It has been reported that these six episodes of Lewis showing at the moment are the last series of all. Lewis is finally going to get it together with whatzername so they'll all be leaving!!
He wants to trot off to the States with the missus apparently and Kevin Whately thought he was getting too old to play Lewis for much longer so it was decided to cancel the show. I've no idea if Hathaway is in all the episodes (hope so) and I haven't watched last weeks yet as I'm waiting for tonight so I can watch them together.
Well.......I have heard that although "Hathaway" is leaving, the series will continue with a "black bloke" as Hathaway.
I agree about splitting it into 2 nights and a week apart is even more annoying. Luckily we can record it and watch both together but no doubt the
2nd one will have a lot of catch ups!
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I prefer the two hour series as well,but they have all been excellent,I will miss Hathaway though I find him very attractive. Thanks for your replies.
Don't care if they split it in two - any Lewis will do for me! Great TV. I'll miss it if (and when) if finishes.
Apparently Kevin Whately hasn't ruled out doing the occasional 'one-off' provided that Laurence Fox will agree to be in it too.
Fingers and toes crossed for that Tearing.
I hope so.
Agree don't like the split episodes hard to keep up with all the tv sagas and serials 2 hour episode is enough on one night for Lewis. When Laurence leaves time to call it a day too many shows continuing without original actors isn't the same.

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