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Christmas Tins Of Sweets.

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Georgiesmum | 00:27 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Is anyone still wading through their tins of christmas sweets?We didnt have any tins of sweets, but i did have a small box of Thorntons chocolates that i havent opened yet.


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Didn't have any. I'm at my uncles tomorrow and he has loads, he was trying to give some but I said no.
I still have tins of Roses, Quality Street and Celebrations to get through as well as 2 selection boxes! lol
All gone except for the toffees.
Chocolate never lasts long in this house.
We didn't have any either. I really don't like Roses, Quality Street, Celebrations etc. So if we had them they wouldn't be opened. Sickly stuff. Mind you we did have some bars of really dark chocolate which I quickly consumed without any problems.
Tins of sweets are perfect for me because I don't really eat chocolate, so one would be enough. Problem is the kids will eat them..
All finished except for a box of After Eights and half a bar of Toblerone. Enjoy the chocolates when you open them,Georgiesmum.
Yes, unfortunately! I'm trying not to eat them, but OH brings them out in the evening and offers them to me (think it's to lessen his guilt - he's the one who should be cutting down!). Didn't buy many, then Mum won a large jar of Quality Street in her Day Centre Raffle. I only really like the purple ones and the green triangles - the others are very sickly.
Hi,losgigs,I empty out the packet and remove all the purple ones before I hand the box round-love them.
I like your thinking, Quinie! Saw that all the green triangles were lurking at the bottom of the jar, so did like-wise. Then OH had the cheek to eat one saying 'they're not all that special' Grrrrr!
Yes we have still got some - but hidden away ! Trouble is, we either get loads or none at all, this Christmas we had such a lot and we both need to diet! But I did eat my very favourite ones first - Ferrero Rocher, best chocs ever made!

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