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Chambers Word Wizard

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Caran | 22:15 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I use this a lot but since I got my iPad I find it doesn't work most of the times. Trying to solve anagrams it comes up with no anagrams available. When I know there is one. Any ideas please.


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Car, this might help, it's the app for the ipad from Chambers, it'll probably work better than the website as it's designed for the ipad. Don't know if it's free or not though.
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Thanks for that rocky. It's £4.99, i have bookmarked it. As you can see I am still struggling!
£4.99, that's steep for an app! Keep at it, you'll get there in the end. I learnt what I know from here and googling, just keep asking. X
have you tried this site caran

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