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Can Anyone Help......please

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Jeza | 17:21 Wed 16th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
In October I bought a large screen TV from Amazon. It is a Toshiba. Turned it on this evening and a loud bang. What I want to know is.... Is it Amazon or Toshiba I need to get on to. May I also add I no longer have the box and packaging it came in. Thankyou.


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Jeza, have you not got any receipts or could you not go back onto your Amazon Account and trace back the order.
amazaon - you bought the tv from them

this happened to me last year :-(
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I have the receipt and the instruction book but not the box it came in.
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What was the outcome fluffy?
Amazon are very helpful. Willadvise you and filter any emails if you need to contact Toshiba.
Your contract is with Amazon (or with the relevant retailer if it was only sold through Amazon, rather than by them).

Since you've had the TV for several months, without any problems, you've clearly legally 'accepted' it - meaning that you have no right to a refund. (However there's nothing to prevent the retailer from offering you one).

Unless there is clear evidence to the contrary (such as staining where you've left the TV where condensation can drip into it) there's an automatic assumption that any fault which occurs within 6 months of purchase will have come about through an 'inherent fault'. (i.e. something which was actually faulty at the time of purchase, such as the use of poor quality components or poor manufacturing standards). That obliges the retailer to repair or replace the set. You can state which one of those options you prefer but the retailer can substitute the alternative option if your choice isn't possible or economically viable.

The absence of the packaging does not invalidate (or limit) your rights.

Surely you got at least a years guarantee when you bought it.
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Thanks all. I have had the TV for a tad over 3 months. I will get on to Amazon. Does anyone have a phone number

Thanks Chris for the six month info. Micmak says to say hello.
Hi Jeza (and Micmak):

Start here:

That will take you though to an option to phone Amazon (24/7).
PS: If you've forgotten your Amazon password, just click the 'Skip sign-in' option.
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Chris, You're a star. I'll let you all know how I get on.

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Can Anyone Help......please

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