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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:37 Fri 18th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
226 Answers
Friday. The promised snow has arrived. It's just started.:o{ I've got the dentist today, more fun!

Have as happy day everyone.


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Now when I meet someone who says...Brrr....too cold for snow I just give them a smart slap. x Gosh I'm a grump today.
Go back to bed gness !.
Just might do Tony, but then I fidget in case I'm missing something. No idea what...but hey...I live in hope. x
Take a book with you, no fidgeting lol.
Ahhhh. No Tony. The snow is here...I shall build myself a man. One who stays put....doesn't answer back and can be subdued with the hair dryer.
Mmmmm easily controlled then gness.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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