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Stargazer | 20:49 Sat 19th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
If an 0333 telephone number is charged at a premium rate? I am with Talk Talk.


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which tt plan do you have? they are treatet like 01 numbers, which may or may not be inclusive depending on package/time of day
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I changed to Talk Talk last Summer and stayed with AOL for my Internet service. I know geographical numbers and also 0845 numbers are included in the free package but feel pretty sure that numbers starting with 03 are charged at a premium rate. When I was with BT (sigh) I could phone them for free and simply ask this question. I keep losing my internet connection and it won't let me get back on. It keeps happening and I am fed up with it all.
What TT plan do you have?
They are treated like 01 numbers which may or may not be inclusive, depending on the time of day or package you have
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I am just on the phone to AOL and will try and find out more.
which TT plan are you on?
How on earth will AOL know what your phone provider charges you?
03 are charged at the same rate as 01/02 by talktalk - and are 'free' in line with your calls package as per 01 and 02.
as i said previous;y dave, however, apparently AOL will know better than us :)
On some packages you might have to pay during peak times, but it'll be the same price as 01/02 numbers (by law)
talktalk own AOL - but (as you say) the broadband helpline probably won't have access to customer account info.
ok dave, i take all my sarcasm back, sorry stargazer :)
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I have just got off the phone. I am on Talk Talk Essentials plan. They tell me that 03 numbers are included in the package of free calls. I am still with AOL for my internet which is proving such a problem and I can't seem to get it resolved. Just keeps cutting me off all the time and then not letting me get back on again.
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On all the old film they always seem to have no facial hair at all.
I know TT get a lot of bad press but I have broadband/calls package with them £30 a month and thats it. All calls (except premium rate and mrs cook is away at present so there is none of those) I use skype for international calls and my mobile for very little Pay and Go about £2 a month

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