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Good Morning Ab'ers

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NoMercy | 05:11 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
133 Answers
I hope you all manage to get out and about in the snow today.

Have a terrific Tuesday and stay safe x x


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Morning paddy. It keeps you going mate.
I need to be moving as well.......have a good day all of you.
time for me to go and look at things. try to find something that doesn't need doing. take care all of you. especially if you have to travel. xxx
Have a happy day albs. xxxxx
time I was orfski also. I can hear little beaks beating hell out of the window. I'd better go and feed 'em!

Have a happy day everyone.
paddy sorry to hear about the disbetes but feel sure you will be able to cope with it. better to know that not.
alba - will be away for two weeks but not going yet. in view of our weather don't think i should say where i'm going.
morning everyone, why do I feel cr@p this morning. Headache, nose running, achey. Work to go to at 11 and may have to walk there too ! Hope I get better as the day goes on. Take care all wherever you are x
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Yes I can, Alba. I work on the staff bank anyway, so I'm not beholden. I took yesterday off because I didn't want to drive in.
morning all had gremlins this morning trying to send an e mail, it happens to the best of us ! had a bad day yesters at hospital with Chief Stout not good news and we have to go back again to the consultant next week to see if the the new meds work if not its a spell on the ward so lets keep our fingers crossed. Been up all night worrying and just watching him sleep.
.and toes Dee....xx!x
g'morning all, foggy & no flying planes at Heathrow...must be chaotic there
thanks minty xdee
A nice sentiment NM

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