Here we are, gness - something to send on with my love and that she gets better and home soon
Mrs O, in hospital again today. Oh gosh,
that’s no fun, but let’s hear it for NoM's porter
who stopped and asked our gal if she was lost.
And for the wizened JoeLukelike she was sat next to whom
whose joyful affability preened and sheened
the wait in that antiseptic waiting room.
He told her that he had worked from fourteen
on a marigold farm; how to save flowers
from icy frost, they’d burn fuel oil in drums unsealed
all across the field, smoking the bowers.
With yellow marigolds though, how each Whitby field
comes up with a bumper crop
every seventh year, on his oath;
how unpooped desktop offerings breaking
will make it fed up, creating new super growth.
Then there was the seadogg-clad mackerel fisherman,
in the hospital for a Sqad operation
on his soles, stopping the need for brown kippers
as his pungent slippers to cover Voddie's crustaceans.
“Why are you here in hospital, Mrs O,?”
the question on his fishy lips, bulging eyes,
chubby cheeks, gills puffing, as if he had bestowed
the gin bottle, under her old purple frock.
“An appendix, and poison, other things put straight,
I’ve now become Barmaid's staple box.
Back home, just a routine check, a tony taxi to wait,
some dipstick on the road leaves
yellow marigolds and fishy grease .
I’m looking for the dumb cretin who caused the skid,
My sharpened scalpel’s ready to castrate.”