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Have You Had A Slippery Day?

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TWR | 20:12 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Have you,yourself / car?


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not me but mr 'nobs had a "hedge/barn/hedge" moment earlier
No, my lounge, kitchen and study have been ok thanks
I have, earlier this morning, car slid sideways and I was only trundling along in a queue of traffic, and almost ended up in someone's front garden, it was very close ! shook me up a little though!
I haven't....dunno about my car. I will pop and ask him.
Up until a while ago it had been a lovely thaw day, although my car still had 6" on it when I wanted to go out this morning.

Having looked out the window an hour ago I can see that the 6" is rapidly approaching 8", and it is continuing to fall with a vengeance......
I have left the car alone and gone out walking with chains on my boots.
A very cheap day - only spent a quid on a newspaper.
we went out today for the first time since last thursday. Roads were clear but it was very wet. The forest itself is still icy and snowy. Tonight its sleeting and a freeze is forecast so probably back to hibernation tomorrow.

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Have You Had A Slippery Day?

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