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When You Close Down Ab Into The Bottom Tray

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Tilly2 | 12:24 Fri 25th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
does it still show you as being active on your profile.
I never log off and wondered if it shows me as being here all day.


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never log off either..
Question Author
I never log off because I've forgotten my password to log on again.
No...It shows your activity so you have to be clicking on threads.
Why not e mail Ed and ask for your password?

One day you will want to log in on another computer, or your current computer will go off the digital graveyard.
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I will email Ed, Hopkirk. I never really think of doing that whilst I' on here.
"It shows your activity so you have to be clicking on threads"

The "last active" part of your profile only changes when you "do" something, change thread, answer, ask, log in, log out, subscribe etc...
Question Author
Thanks, Ummmm and Ed. I have sent an email asking about my password.
Question Author
All sorted. Thank you for the quick respone AB team.

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When You Close Down Ab Into The Bottom Tray

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