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Why Did I Start

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giveup | 14:54 Fri 25th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Cleaning out cupboards. What a b!!!!! mess and what a lot of useless stuff.


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bin bin bin...
Is that a new Bay City Rollers song, minty?
Any skeletons in there?
You'll feel so much better when it's done giveup. :O)
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I am,I am,I am
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Binning it that is. And all because I could'nt find the Golden Syrup.
out, out, out
Hit the local charity shop - one man's rubbish is another's treasure.
don't give up giveup, car boot sale you will be surprised what they buy
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I help run a charity shop,sometimes that does'nt help. Can't resist sometimes.
It's never ending, giveup, in the 27 years we've lived here the car has never been in the garage. Every time I clear it out the garbage gremlin fills it up again.
give up - I tried to do mine last week, but d'you know the space just closed back up again and I was left with stuff which would not fit back in - one of life's little mysteries!
Heaps of Stuff by Pam Ayres

How I wish that I was tidy
How I wish that I was neat
How I wish I was methodical
Like others down out street.
I tried to stem the rising tide
I tried to hold it back
But I have been the victim
Of a heap of stuff attack.

Yes, heaps of stuff come creeping,
They clutter up the hall.
And heaps of stuff are softly
Climbing halfway up the wall.
At each end of the staircase
Is a giant heap, a stack;
One to carry up the stairs
And one to carry back.

In a heap of stuff invasion
They settle everywhere -
They grovel on the lino
They tower on the chair.
You’re searching for a jacket,
“Is it in here?” you shout,
And, opening the cupboard door,
A heap of stuff falls out.

But heaps are many-faceted
And heaps are multi-faced
And what a heap is made of
Will depend on where it’s placed.
Now if it’s in the passage
It is mostly boots and shoes
And if it’s on the sofa
It is magazines and news.

If it’s in the shed
It’s broken propagating frames
And if it’s in the bathroom
Well, it’s best to say no names,
And if it’s in the bedroom -
Your own and not the guest’s -
The heap of stuff is mostly made
Of socks and shirts and vests.

For a heap is indestructible,
It’s something you can’t fight.
If you split it up by day
It joins back up at night.
So cunningly positioned
as from room to room you trek,
Increasing all the chances
That you trip and break your neck.

But step into my parlour
Now I’ve forced the door ajar;
I’ll excavate an easy chair -
Just cling there where you are.
And together we’ll survey it
Till our eyes they feast enough
On the tidiest home in England ..........
Underneath the heaps of stuff !
My OH used to watch fascinated as I had my weekly clearout of the large shoulder bag I used for work, as after careful scrutiny nearly everything went back in.
The jar of Branston I once found in there was an unfortunate oversight.......
I move stuff from one cupboard to another and still can't find anything.
aha, its not odd to have jars of relish in your handbag - i was told i was weird as i had a jar of olives in mine
Branston and Olives? Nothing strange about that at all!
Question Author
6 cupboards clean and tidy. 1 large bag of rubbish. Now for a cup of tea. The wardrobes can wait.

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