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I've Never Managed To Get An Avatar

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Stargazer | 13:58 Fri 25th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
if that is what you call a picture next to your name. I have tried to follow the threads telling you how to. Where do you find the pictures to select from? It is at that point I get stuck. Do you choose a picture before you begin?


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you upload the pics to gravatar from your hard drive and then you choose the pic you want as your avatar
Apologies if this appears a bit 'Idiots Guide' but it may be of some use:
just choose a picture you like, any picture will do, then go to gavatar and it will ask you to select a picture.
And here's another lovely image for you (right click on the picture, select save as and store it to your computer)
it can be a photo of anything or yourself that youve downloaded to your computer or an image off the internet that you have downloaded. there are loads of choices. Good luck

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