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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:04 Sat 26th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
98 Answers
Saturday. Some tealeaf has nicked all the snow. S'all gorn! I've been outside and it is positively balmy. The sky is clear and the moon is full and bright. A sunny day on it's way methinks. With a bit of luck it will be worth opening the heritage Centre! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Tony, I didn't eat any hospital food.

Good morning DT.

What plans do you boys have for the weekend?

Good Morning all well we didn't get the predicted snow in the night here in Leics. Side roads are slowly clearing. Lets hope that is the last of it. Have a nice safe weekend all.
mrs o no one should have to suffer hospital food.
Got to phone the dentists in a while, I lost a filling last night.
Out for breakfast with friends in a few minutes. Otherwise a quiet Saturday and then lunch with other friends tomorrow. Perhaps some work/writing involved over the weekend - in the afternoons.
Morning DT, Paddy and wendilla.
morning Tonyav x
good morning all

there has been a sprinkling of snow during the night here (cambs)
Morning Excel - sounds as if you got off light -who are the mid Lancs and Cheshire crew.....Owd, Craftie, Steve5.....I see the M6 was shut last night - that takes some doing, weather-wise.
that's a bu**er paddy. i make cakes for an elderly friend who has type 2 so can understand what trish is doing but at least i don't have to do the day-to-day cooking. OH is a coeliac so understand about the cupboards. his illness has put me on a gluten free diet as well. impinges on so many items.

good luck to you both.
good morning DT and Wendi.

Time for me to go and get on with nothing. Take care all of you. xxx
Morning excel.
Which stretch of the M6 was closed dt ?.
See you later lj.
25-27 tony (Wigan)
there are reports of 30 inches of the white stuff in southern Cumbria - will give one of the family a call shortly....

Yep must have been bad to close it DT.
Morning all. More snow on top of what we already have. Happy days. :o)
Morning boaty.
Morning Chaps

... well I seem to have survived Burns Night relatively unscathed - a bit queasy and headachy, but the 4am "Fizzy Vitamin C and Co-codamol in a pint of squash" seems to have worked its magic.

Bright & Sunny here - rain overnight rather than snow & a quick thaw on the way later today I think.

Pint of tea anyone - no left over Haggis I'm afraid, but a big bowl of cranachan in the fridge - wonder if it will freeze?

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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