Hi al hubby has bought me a dishwasher for Valentine's ok so this is romantic by his standard. Any way we are having trouble plumbing the dam thing in.we have only the one inlet point for the washing machine on the cold pipe. We bought a y junction to put the dishwasher and washing machine on,however,everytime I put the water back on it leaks EVERYWHERE. what on earth can be done to stop it leaking??? Getting very annoyed and upset now :'( help!
Make sure all the washers (3) are in place and make sure they are about a little more than hand tight. Do not overtighten as the washers are easily distorted.
Ideally, get a plumber in to fit a second feed but if you're persevering with the Y piece attach the two supply hoses to it first, making sure that the washers are in place then connect the assembly to the water pipe.
It should only be hand-tight, no pliers or whatever should be used.
I have one to supply our washing machine and an outside tap and haven't had any problems since it was installed years ago.
Good luck.
If yours continues to leak maybe an idea to buy a replacement. Or you can always use stuff such as PTFE tape to ensure a watertight fit. Ought not be needed though.