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What Time Do You Normally Eat In The Evening?

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Tilly2 | 18:10 Sun 27th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
We always eat around eight o'clock, both during the week and at weekends. I think it's too late to eat at that time but we seem to have got into the habit.


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8-ish for me also. I'm often hungrier earlier-but I couldn't handle a full meal at 5-6. Never have done. 5pm is when children eat...not
well gioven that lots of people dont have 9-5 jobs, you can't really say that there is a 'correct' time ...

some people dont go to bed until the early hours, others in bed by 9 or 10pm

i personally eat when i am hungry - i have been known to have my 'tea' around 11pm etc, and sometime dont have 'brekfast' until 5pm - just depends how i feel really.
5 o'clock

How anyone can wait until 8pm for their main meal of the day is beyond me. Does that leave enough time for the meal to digest before bed?

Depends what time they go to bed..................
pasta I like to be in bed by 10 ish so later would be not so good for me...I am up usually 4.30 \5 am...
I often start work at silly o'clock, so the time I eat is probably irrelevant to everyone else. But I like to unwind, do the housework etc first. Sometimes we eat too late, so it's eat, bath, sleep.
On workdays (3 days a week) I now am up at 5.30am....but I still have eveing meal at 8pm. In bed by 11.30pm...and no trouble sleeping.
Depending on whether OH is working or golfing, usually about 7.30 (6.30 your time) as I want to get washed up and bathed before Corrie (which is a recent addition to the house) Of course here in the summer, it has to be later as OH works later, On Sundays we always eat out at lunchtime so it just help yourself to pickies in the evening. Daughter being born and bred in Spain wants to eat at 10/10.30 as they do but way too late for us!!
At 6.00pm on weekdays, 12.15pm on Sundays.
>Does that leave enough time for the meal to digest before bed?

I used to think that and in fact usually went for a walk after a late meal to help digestion, but I remember hearing a doctor on the radio recently saying this was one of those "old wives' tales" (along with 'most of heat loss occurs from the head so wear a hat')- food continues to be digested when you're asleep
About 5.30 to 6.30 depending upon how hungry I am. But then, I only have myself to please so it doesn't really matter.

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