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trt | 20:04 Sun 27th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
The only thing that settles in the UK that dosent claim BENEFITS!!!!!!



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lol ... very clever
What about the grey squirrel?
The grey squirrel has contributed greatly to British society. Many have found jobs in the medical profession whilst others have excelled in areas such as sports ,arts and even in the clergy. Many pioneering squirrels have even broken into the smoke filled boardrooms and started to dismantle the glass ceiling that has held many native mammals back since the early medieval period. Their contribution to British society has been far more beneficial than that offered by those stuck up 'reds' who spend their days poncing about on their vast inherited Scottish estates!
You are hilarious.
Thank you ummmm ;-) it just saddens me that these stereotypical arguments about grey squirrels persist. Of course this is partly down to the London based Scottish 'red' mafia that have majority control of our media outlets such as sky and the daily mail. It's nuts!
Snow is also like a man. You don't know when it's going to come, you don't know how how much you will get and you don't know how long it will last.
Squirrel pie is good.
Wasn't ummm referring to the OP ?
Well said, Barmaid!
You're probably right mick but your attitude towards grey squirrels is there for everyone to see.
Snow is like a woman,

can't tell when it's coming, but is always late than forecast, likes to make a spectacular entrances, icy cold at times, drifts along, and costs the economy a fortune.
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Not on this site..............

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