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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:37 Mon 28th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
128 Answers
It's Monday once again. It's comparatively warm here in Gloucestershire this morning. We might even see some sunshine today. that'll makw a nice change!

Have a happy everyone.


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hi sloopy....mild but wet and windy here...
GOOD MORNING ALL, its hi & bye today,its judgement day, CS has lost 6kg [ in water] the req amount not to be hospitalised, so lets get there as see, his face no longer looks like the man in the moon if you know what I mean so the water retention is less, lets hope its good news.
Morning Dee, best of luck today and report back, please......
hi and bye Dee...good luck..xx
The praying gig didn't pay off then minty ;)
no afraid not...he lost it when I had to go to ASDA.....obviously I'm his spiritual done to speak..
Good effort x

Have a great week all
Morning Boaty and everyone.....beautiful morning frost and sun. Evidence of a hungry sparrowhawk in the garden....probably should amend my garden watch figures.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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